"The Rogues Artists Group has exhibited thematic exhibits at Inspiration Studios that have wowed viewers..."
- Erico Ortiz, Inspiration Studios
"It was a wonderful experience working with The Rogues to put together our first third floor exhibition at the David Barnett Gallery, David's Attic.."
- David Barnett, David Barnett Gallery
“We host many artist groups at the Schauer Performing Arts Center – The Rogues exhibit has been tasteful, exciting, and unique..."
- Suckow Family Art Gallery, Schauer Arts Center
The Rogues Artists Group
Established July 2018
ARTICLE I: Name & Purpose
The mission of The Rogues Artists Group is to provide a dynamic vehicle for the sharing of creative ideas, techniques and resources of our members through social gatherings, meetings, critiques, competitions and exhibitions.
ARTICLE II: Membership
Membership is limited to 100 members working in oil, acrylic, pastel, and watercolor painting; drawing, pen and ink, glass, wood, sculpture, fibers, mixed media, collage, assemblage, fine art photography (not enhanced), ceramics and metals. All work for exhibition must be authentic and original. Members can be professional artists or hobbyists over the age of 21. There will be no discrimination as to race, color, sexual orientation, income, creed, and political or religious affiliation. New members must be recommended by a current member and reviewed and approved by the Membership Chair.
No member may use this organization for political or religious purposes.
Dues will be $40.00 annually and payable from April 1st through June 30th. Cost of dues will be reviewed annually and changed to meet the needs of the organization if necessary. Dues are NOT tax deductible.
ARTICLE IV: Fiscal Year
Our fiscal year shall be July 1st – June 30st.
ARTICLE: V: Officers, Board Members, Committees
Officers and Board Members shall serve a 2-year term. Interim Officers and Board Members may be appointed by the Board and will serve out the remainder of the retiring Officer or Board Members term.
Officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Board Members shall be Membership Chair, Exhibition Chair, Publicity Chair, and Sunshine/Hospitality Chair
Nominations for Officers or Board Members and volunteers will be announced at the general meetings in March of an election year.
Committees shall be formed as necessary to further the mission of The Rogues Artists Group.
ARTICLE V!: Meetings
Meetings shall be conducted based on Robert's Rules of Order. There shall be 3-4 general meetings and social gatherings per year. Committees, the Officers and the Board may meet informally to further the mission of the group.
Notes must be taken for the general meeting, Officers Meetings and Board meetings. Notes for the general meeting will be posted on line or will be distributed to members by request of those members. Committees may operate with autonomy but within the rules of this Constitution.
ARTICLE VII: Amending the Constitution
Two thirds of the total membership may vote to amend this constitution at a general meeting or by electronic ballot. Changes to the Constitution must be presented for review by the membership one month before voting.